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The title from a Robert Schulers book, which I admit I have not read yet however, it resonates with me right now. In this situation, I propose we use the word resilient instead of tough when describing people.

I am sensing that this isolation period is coming to an end - there is light at the end of the tunnel and it’s not an oncoming train!

“All things happen for a reason” my nana would say and whilst I have struggled with this concept at various painful times in my life e.g loss of loved ones, divorce, job insecurity etc I have always come out the other side a better, not bitter person. Albeit still not 100% convinced it had to happen!

This current "virus / isolation" situation is no different.

What is the reason “this” had to happen I keep asking myself? I’ll come to this later.

I do acknowledge each day how lucky I am to be living in a loving and supportive relationship and environment right now when many people are not but its still been a tough adjustment.

I am concerned that people are almost afraid to suggest it’s been tough because we compare it to world wars or depressions that carried on for years - a few weeks/months seems insignificant.

Please understand that doesn’t mean it’s not tough in your current life time. A longer period of toughness in history does not deny us this feeling of significance in our lifetime. Loss of freedom of movement and security has a big impact regardless of how long it has occurred. My blog last week mentioned we are most likely carrying this stress at a subconscious level and whether your aware or not, it’s taking its toll.

Undoubtedly we will all change as a consequence of this time. The point is to make sure you acknowledge what that change / changes will be? Acknowledge them, note them down and discuss them openly. What has worked for you? What have you learnt about yourself? What have you realised you need to do differently going forward? e.g daily exercise, more home cooking, more creative time, more time with your family, changing career direction, working from home more often, more financial awareness …

For me it will be a step back from sporting competition (after my virtual IM 70.3 race next Saturday… I had been training so why stop now) and focus on moving my body through a recovery & restoration phase which I have been ignoring - despite my body signals! Also to focus more on not only what I eat, but what I digest, absorb and convert into fuel - functional medicine is really cementing this. Overall it’s been a reminder / wake up call - to truly help other people I cannot forget to help myself. Something many coaches, medical professionals, managers and directors of people and trainers overlook.

I am not saying that when this isolation period ends that it’s all going to be hunky-dory! Far from it, that light is a flicker but we have some challenging times to come economically. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean we can’t implement lessons learnt now as we go forward - why wait or disrupt the momentum you have created?

Acknowledgment and open discussion will further create your new reality and your new level of toughness/ resilience - believe me you have changed for the better, whether you are fully aware or not so embrace it.

As for the question I asked earlier “Why this had to happen” if indeed “all things happen for a reason”? Well over my years, I have come to realise that answer is entirely personal - only you can decide yourself why you needed to experience this, why you needed this isolation time, this time by yourself?

How has it has changed you and importantly now, how will it change you going forward?

“Life = 10% what happens and 90% how you react to it” Charles Swindoll.


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